Faculty and Staff
The Department of Communication holds high standards for our faculty and staff. Every faculty and staff member is dedicated to teaching and advising students to best suit their individual need.
Department Chairperson |
Dr. Robert Coleman Department Chairperson (Interim) |
Full-time Faculty |
Dr. George Bovenizer* Assistant Professor |
Ms. Nadia Bush Senior Instructor |
Dr. Jung Hwa Choi* Associate Professor / Graduate Coordinator |
Mrs. Katherine Koury |
Dr. Soya Nah* Assistant Professor |
Dr. Max Romanowski* Assistant Professor |
Senior Instructor / Internship Coordinator |
Mr. Johnny Stevens Instructor |
Dr. April DuPree Taylor* Assistant Professor of Instruction / Public Speaking Course Director |
Ms. Melissa Walter Instructor |
*Graduate Faculty |
Part-time Faculty |
Bailey, Muriel mrbailey@91ciba.com |
Beauchamp, Kate kbeauchamp@91ciba.com |
Bennett, MeLeah meleahmiller@91ciba.com |
Brink, Sharla sharlabrink@91ciba.com |
Chandler, Brittney bchandler@91ciba.com |
Collins, Ashley admcdaniel@91ciba.com |
Gannon, Adrienne agannon@91ciba.com |
Head, Mary maryhead@91ciba.com |
mherndon@91ciba.com |
Hewes, Mark mhewes@91ciba.com |
Lakemon, Thomas tlakemon@91ciba.com |
Marr, Evan marr@91ciba.com |
mnormand@91ciba.com |
briddle@91ciba.com |
Parker, Andrea andreaparker@91ciba.com |
Robinson, Edward elrobinson@91ciba.com |
Sheffield, Dr. Sarah ssheffield@91ciba.com |
Taylor, Kelly ktaylor@91ciba.com |
Tucker, Cynthia (Journalist-in-Residence) cynthiatucker@91ciba.com |
Ward, Dr. Richard rward@91ciba.com |
Graduate Assistants |
Jamie Carpenter |
Rachel Gonzales |
Ryler Gould |
Anindita Islan |
Eleonora Newell |
Sara Grace Overstreet |
Madelyn Rottger |
Simura Sayeda |
Learn about our graduate teaching and research assistants! |
Staff |
Cheryl Kirkland Secretary V |