
Full Time Faculty

Picture of Leigh Delaney-Tucker

Leigh Delaney-Tucker

Email: leighdelaney@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-7694
Office: LSCB 50


Picture of Laura Frost

Laura Frost

Email: lafrost@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-7528
Office: Life Sciences 230
Lab: Life Sciences 236


Picture of Tray Hamil

Tray Hamil

Email: thamil@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-6331
Office: LSCB 124


Picture of Jeremiah Henning

Jeremiah Henning

Email: henning@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-7987
Office: Life Sciences 121
Lab: Life Sciences 111


Jackie Howell

Jackie Howell

Email: jackiehowell@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 341-3093
Office: LSCB 120B


Erin Itza

Erin Itza

Email: eitza@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-6276
Office: LSCB 132


Picture of Kelly Major

Kelly Major

Email: kmajor@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-7523
Office: LSCB 51


Picture of Juan Luis Mata

Juan Luis Mata

Email: jmata@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 461-1750
Office: LSCB 53


Picture of John McCreadie

John McCreadie

Email: jmccread@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-6331
Office: LSCB 122


Picture of Sinéad Ní Chadhain

Sinéad Ní Chadhain

Email: snichadhain@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-7522
Office: LSCB 216


Picture of Jonathan H Pérez

Jonathan H Pérez

Email: jhperez@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-7527                               
Office: LSCB 133       
Lab: LSCB 130/013


Picture of Tim Sherman

Tim Sherman

Email: tsherman@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-6331
Office: LSCB 124


Picture of Jason Strickland

Jason Strickland

Email: jasonstrickland@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 460-7310
Office: Life Sciences 221B (within 222)
Lab: Life Sciences 222


Picture of Tuan Tran

Tuan Tran

Email: tmtran@91ciba.com
Phone: (251) 461-1583
Office: Life Sciences 27
Lab: TBD

Part Time Faculty

Name Office Phone Number
Adlington, Ryan


(251) 460-6331
Arditi, Jean-Pierre ja701@jagmail.91ciba.com (251) 460-6331
Delchamps, Sharon sdelchamps@91ciba.com (251) 460-6331
Hilbun, Nancy nhilbun@91ciba.com (251) 460-6331
Littlepage, Amanda


(251) 460-6331
McPhail, Barry bmcphail@91ciba.com (251) 460-6331
Moody, Ryan


(251) 460-6331

Emeritus Faculty

Name Office Phone Number
Nelson, David LSCB 147 (251) 460-6331
O'Brien, Jack jobrien@91ciba.com (251) 460-7525
Sherman, Tim LSCB 124 (251) 460-6331

Adjunct Faculty

Name Department College
Borchert, Glen Department of Pharmacology College of Medicine
Hermance, Meghan Department of Microbiology and Immunology College of Medicine
Rayner, Jonathan Department of Microbiology and Immunology College of Medicine