Journal of Sport Behavior
Visit the Journal of Sport Behavior Website HERE to see the articles, or get started with creating an account.
The Journal of Sport Behavior publishes original, empirical, investigative, and theoretical papers dealing with the studies of behavior in the areas of game and sport. Unsolicited reviews of books will also be accepted for publication. Empirical studies or innovation which have practical application for the coach or athlete are also accepted. Essentially, the Journal of Sport Behavior is interested in sociological, psychological, anthropological, and related applications to the science of sport.
This journal is published quarterly (March, June, September, & December), and is listed in the Physical Education on Index, the Psychological Abstracts, PsychINFO, the SPORT database, and SPORT Discus. Subscriptions rates: $200 library rates/institutional subscriptions; $50 individual memberships.
Directions for Authors
Authors should submit the following:
1. Cover Letter
Within your cover letter, please provide the names of at least 3 individuals (full
name AND email contact information) who might be willing to review your manuscript.
These individuals should be reliable reviewers, meaning they have the necessary skill
set to review and have completed reviews in this content area previously.
2. Title page containing affiliation information for all authors and the full contact information for the corresponding author
3. Manuscript
When submitting a manuscript, authors MUST use our journal template: Journal of Sport
Behavior Template. Please follow the instructions listed here when preparing your
manuscript for submission. When inputted into the template, manuscripts should be
BLINDED containing NO identifying information (i.e., please leave out the author(s)
name(s) and affiliation(s)). Our template follows the most recent guidelines set forth
by the American Psychological Association, so in-text and end of paper references
should follow APA guidelines.
***Manuscripts submitted without use of our template do not adhere to the approved submission process will not be reviewed.***
The editorial staff at JSB will put your paper into our template for a fee. Please contact the editor regarding this process.
Types of submissions accepted:
Review: These are usually between 2000-3000 words (8-12 pages), and seek to systematically review a particular area of research, intervention, or policy. These papers are peer-reviewed.
Research paper: These are usually between 3,000 and 6,000 words (15-25 pages), but we also consider longer length papers up to 8,000 words (32 pages). Research papers should not exceed 35 pages in length, including references, tables/figures, and appendixes. Research papers are usually based on original empirical analyses, but may also be discursive critical essays. These papers are peer-reviewed.
Short report: These can be up to 2,000 words, with one table, and no more than fifteen references. These papers are peer-reviewed.
Submitting a manuscript
The template is REQUIRED for submission. Authors should use the template below and follow the instructions in the JSB Template Instructions for Submitting Authors document:
Contact Information
All matters pertaining to manuscript submissions should be directed to Dr. Caitlyn Hauff (Editor) at or 251-460-7698.
All matters pertaining to subscription services should be directed to Dr. Benjamin Hill (Editor) at or (251) 460-7081.
Mailing Address:
Journal of Sport Behavior Office
Department of Psychology, 307 University Blvd. N., UCOM 1000
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36608-0002 USA
Phone: (251) 341-3079
Fax: (251) 460-6320